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steps to becoming a vendor

1. SUBMIT Complete our Vendor Form
2. CONFIRM If your application is accepted you will receive an invitation
3. PAY Vendors are required to pay
once they receive an invite

PLEASE NOTE: BrickUniverse has a 2 table minimum. Each table costs a flat fee of $550 for 2025


  • A  2' OR 2.5' x 8' TABLE AT THE EVENT​​


Vendor Form


Hold Harmless: By submitting Vendor form you are agreeing to abide by the Rules & Regulations noted on this site and to indemnify and hold harmless Brickuniverse, its agents and employees from and against all claims, suits, actions and damages and/or causes or actions arising during the period of use and occupancy by Exhibitor/Vendor from the date of entry to any given venue and including date of departure, for any personal injury, loss of life, and/or damages to property, including the vendor’s property or employees, sustained in and about the premises or that portion of the buildings or appurtenances thereto, used by the Concessionaire/Vendor, occurring during such time as they may be using said premises, and from and against all costs, legal fees, expenses and liabilities incurred in and about any action thereon, and from and against any order, judgment, and/or decrees which may be entered therein when any of the a foresaid are caused by negligence of the Exhibitor/Vendor, its agents, subcontractors or employees or persons attending the premises by reason of the use thereof by the vendor. Property taken into any venue by vendor is taken there at the vendors own risk. Brickuniverse, it’s personnel, etc, shall not be responsible for any loss due to damage from fire, theft, windstorm, repossession or from any other cause whatsoever, nor for failure upon its part to perform this agreement, should officers of the law seize, stop or prevent vendor from operating under this agreement.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a vendor at BrickUniverse LEGO Fan Event!


  • Vendor tables are non-refundable

  • LEGO® product only. The selling of LEGO® clones is strictly prohibited. If you do not sell LEGO® related items, please contact us for sponsorship opportunities. 

  • Vendors are permitted to only sell on tables provided by BrickUniverse,  and racks "EXTRA" tables or "EXTRA" anything brought by vendors to sell items on are strictly prohibited, "Extra" anything is prohibited.

  • Table locations are determined by BrickUniverse and location will not be 


  • Vendors are required to use the table space provided by BrickUniverse only.

  • Racks are allowed behind each table under the algorithm 1 table = half a table of 4' x 2.5' rack space and with height limitation of 8ft (unless pre-approved). Racks that exceed this algorithm will be subject to an additional table fee.

  • "Sharing" of vendor space or table is prohibited ( i.e no sub-letting to others, no selling/marketing merchandise from outside Vendors who comptete with BrickUniverse.  No "lending some space" to others, no sharing tables with others).

  • ALL trash must be put away by vendors after each show.

  • Vendors will be held responsible for any damage done to their area.

  • BrickUniverse has a 2 table minimum.

  • Vendor tables must be staffed at all times. Vendors are responsible for opening on time.

  • BrickUniverse is invite only, vendors who participate in business activities at other LEGO® fan events occurring in the same cities as BrickUniverse forfeit their privilege to vend at any BrickUniverse shows. 

  • BrickUniverse has the right to refuse or refund any entry for any reason, including space limitations.

  • If our terms of use are broken and you may be asked to leave without refund.

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